Toby 2016 – 30 is the magic number!

11891392_10207400792720819_5893291800254794351_oLast year’s Toby was a record breaking year. We knew we would reach £25,000 in total money raised for St Oswald’s Hospice over the last eight years but no one could have expected that we would far exceed it. Our final total for St Oswald’s is now just over £28,000! It was a proud moment in November 2015 when the club handed over a big cheque to St Oswald’s.

This year we’re doing it all again and we’re aiming for £30,000 in total money raised over the last nine years of the Toby. It also happens to be the 30th anniversary of St Oswald’s Hospice this year so £30,000 seems like a perfect figure to aim for!

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Entries open for Terry O’Gara Memorial Race

IMG_9988_sizedThis year’s Terry O’Gara 5k Memorial Race takes place on Sunday April 24th.  Terry was former Chairman of Wallsend Harriers, a beloved father, husband, grandfather and friend who sadly passed away in 2012.

Come along and run in memory of the great man and a much-loved competitor in the North East’s running circuit.

We have a new, flat course for both races (great for a PB) at Cobalt Business Park.

Click here to enter the Terry O’Gara 5k and here to see the prospectus. You will also find details and a map of the new course.

It is £16 for affiliated club runners

£17 for unattached runners

£18 on the day

The race starts at 10am with a Junior Race at 10.45am (approx. 1 mile). Juniors can enter on the day.

There will be goody bags to all finishers and cash prizes for first three males and females as well as for over 40,50,60,70 (male) and 35,45,55,65 (female).

Subs 2016/2017

As agreed at the AGM we are changing the way we pay subs. Subs will be paid through the England Athletics online system but we need to set this up first. Details will follow.

If you have changed your email address in the last year, please let us know. Subs remain at £45 for seniors and £20 for juniors. This includes the increased EA fee of £13 for 2016. As agreed at the AGM the charge for paying through EA will be paid by the club this year.

Many thanks

Elaine Liu (Treasurer)

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